I founded Orical in 2012, with a dream of breeding beautiful Lapphunds with the very best temperaments. Over the past 12 years I have continuously worked towards this goal, and have built a supportive community of Lappie owners in NSW and the ACT.
Our special breed provides joy to many across the globe and I feel privileged to be part of this community.
My passion for education, research and networking has given me the privilege of continuing to enhance the health, conformation and temperament of the Finnish Lapphund.
The resources on our site have been developed to assist families and the community to make informed and well researched decisions about responsible Lapphund ownership.
Hyvä tervetuloa
Warm welcome,

Cynologist & Owner of Orical Kennels, Australia
katrina Bailey
Co-owner of Orical Kennels
Katrina is an integral part of our NSW Lappie community, bringing warmth and wisdom and a huge amount of love and devotion to our breed.
Katrina welcomed her first Lappie into her life in 2005, and over the past almost 20 years has contributed greatly to the breed community in NSW.
Katrina's areas of expertise include:
Dog training: Katrina is particularly passionate about raising Lappie puppies to be wonderful members of their family.
Dog grooming: Katrina is a very skilled groomer, specialising in Lappies.
Conformation exhibition: Katrina loves attending dog shows on her weekends and over the years has achieved 12 x Australian Championship titles, 2 Grand Championship titles and 4 Neuter Championship titles.
Club management: Katrina has served on the Finnish Lapphund Club of NSW committee for many years, and regularly assists with the running of All Breeds dog shows.
Mentoring new show exhibitors.
Coaching and supporting new puppy owners
Katrina has also participated in a number of dog sports, including backpacking, rally obedience and the endurance test.
Katrina achieved her Certificate III in Companion Animal Services qualification through Tafe NSW in 2022.
Katrina joined Orical Kennels as co-owner in 2023.

Lauren is extremely passionate about self development and the Animal Services Industry. She regularly undertakes relevant courses and professional development in the sector to further develop and recognise her skills and knowledge.
Lauren holds the following qualifications:
ACM20117 Certificate II in Animal Studies with Tafe NSW, completed in 2022
ACM30117 Certificate III in Animal Studies with Tafe NSW, completed in 2022
ACM30110 Certificate III in Animal Studies with Applied Vocational Training, completed in 2018
ACM30410 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services with Animal Sciences Training Services, completed in 2018
ACM40310 Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services with Animal Sciences Training Services, completed in 2018
TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training with Plenty Training 2018
TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development with Plenty Training 2018
Currently undertaking:
ACM30321 Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care (2024)
Lauren has completed the following short courses:
Basic Population Genetics for Dog Breeders with the Institute of Canine Biology
Useful Genetics with the Institute of Canine Biology
DNA for dog breeders with the Institute of Canine Biology
Managing Genetics for the Future with the Institute of Canine Biology
The Biology of Dogs with the Institute of Canine Biology
Genetics for Preservation Breeders with the Institute of Canine Biology
Coefficient of Inbreeding BootCamp with the Institute of Canine Biology
Understanding Hip & Elbow Dysplasia with the Institute of Canine Biology
The Genetics of Behaviour and Performance in Dogs with the Institute of Canine Biology
Transformational Puppy Rearing: Raising Healthy, Stable Dogs with Avidog
Dog Behaviour: Problems and Solutions with University of Arizona (USA)
Dog Emotion and Cognition with the Duke University (USA)
Breeding basics, nutritional influences on reproduction, dog breeding systems, genetics, whelping and medical intervention with the American Kennel Club
Awarded Best Breeders Group in Show at the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2024
Awarded Best Finnish Lapphund Breeder of the Year for Australia in 2023 (DOLP)
Awarded Outstanding Breeder status from RightPaw in 2024
President of the Finnish Lapphund Club of NSW from 2017 to Present
Breeder of the Best in Specialty Show 2023 winner- Grand Ch Orical Kirsi of Jove (AI). FLCNSW Specialty
Official judge at the Finnish Lapphund National Breed Specialty in Canada 2022- Canadian Kennel Club approved, challenge certificates awarded.
Breeder of the Runner Up to Best in Specialty Show 2022 winner- Orical All Bets are Off (AI). FLCNSW Specialty
Australian Breeder of the Year for Finnish Lapphunds 2019 - Dogz Online Pointscore
Breeder of the Best in Specialty Show 2019 winner- Grand Ch Orical Kirsi of Jove. FLCNSW Specialty, Judge: Esa Ruotsalainen (Fin)
Breeder of the Runner Up to Best in Specialty Show 2019 winner- Ch Orical Jukka of Finlandia. FLCNSW Specialty, Judge: Esa Ruotsalainen (Fin)
Australian Breeder of the Year for Finnish Lapphunds 2018 - Dogz Online Pointscore
Breeder of the Best in Specialty Show 2018 winner- Grand Ch Orical Kirsi of Jove. FLCNSW Specialty, Judge: Tapio Kakko (Fin)
Breeder of the Best Bitch 2017 winner- Grand Ch Orical Kirsi of Jove. FLCV Specialty, Judge: Saara Sampakoski (Fin)
Led expedition to the Russian Arctic to study the Nenets Laika dog breed (2017)
Trained and trialled Dual Ch (T) Dagolas Zeena (Imp Fin); who is the first (and presently only) Finnish Lapphund to obtain their Tracking Championship
Delta Therapy certified and volunteer work with Ch. Dagolas Ystava (Imp Fin)
Trained, trialled and achieved titles with her Lapphunds in the following disciplines: Rally Obedience, Dancing with Dogs, Heelwork to Music, Tracking, Backpacking, Endurance Test
Founding member of the Finnish Lapphund Club of NSW (2011)
Bringing into the world 400+ Lappies that have enriched the lives of their families

Lauren Mills, judging at the National Finnish Lapphund Specialty in Canada, July 2022